Here is a list of prices for my art. You get everything digital, no print media. Send a mail for more information.

15€ / 1h + travel costs
Picture your memories of special events, that nice new costume or just get a photo for your job application.

Photo post processing
30€ / Photo + free photoshooting
Make the best of your pictures or even restore old photos, were something just went wrong.

Logo (no service)
Send me your draft or choose from 2-4 of my drafts. No revisions. Get the image in .svg, .afdesign and .png (1024 pixels).

Logo (full service)
Develop your logo together with me. Up to 5 revisions. Get the image in .svg, .afdesign and .png (all kinds of resolutions). Also get unicolor versions and single parts of your logo for different use cases.

Logo decoration
Get decorated versions of your logo for different seasons or events.

15€ / 1h
Get a full corporate design, any drawing you want or even your own website (WordPress/Concrete5/HTML).